Das Angebot unserer Kitas


13 day-care centres belong to the Elbkinder – you can find us everywhere in Hamburg and most certainly also in your neighbourhood. In many parts of the city, there are even several of our day-care facilities. This is an advantage for you, because all Elbkinder day-care centres have common quality standards, the ‘5 Promises of Quality’, but various different offers and pedagogical concepts. Furthermore, all our day-care centres have long and year-round opening hours from 6 am to 6 pm, their own kitchens and large outside areas. The choice is yours – use our day-care centre finder for assistance.

Wir brauchen Männer


For children and parents without a Kita-Gutschein (day-care centre voucher), the Elbkinder have a special free offer at the parent-child centres. Our early support centres provide help for children under the age of three who need special support due to a developmental disorder or disability.

Das Kita-Brückenjahr


In Hamburg, families have extensive legal rights to day-care. All children of working parents receive a Kita-Gutschein (day-care centre voucher). Independent of professional activity, there is the legal right to a 5-hour care, including lunch for all children aged 2 years and older. One year prior to school enrollment, children receive 5 hours of free care. 

Kerstin von Dahlen

Kindern eine schöne Zeit machen – deswegen bin ich Kita-Pädagogin! Und als Leitungskraft möchte ich meinen Kolleginnen und Kollegen den Rücken freihalten, damit sie sich entfalten und ganz für die Kinder und Familien einsetzen können. Ich war Kita-Leiterin bei der ersten Kita, die Kitas-Nord vor 14 Jahren öffnete – und dass ich immer noch mit Begeisterung und seit acht Jahren als Leiterin der Kita Stadtzwerge dabei bin: Das spricht doch für dieses innovative Unternehmen!

Kerstin von Dahlen, Kita-Leiterin, Kita Stadtzwerge